Grading scale change raises most students’ grades

This past December, NDB implemented a new grading scale. Many students were in shock after the sudden change only one week before the fall semester finals. 

The school’s previous grading scale had A’s ranging from 94 to 100%, but in the new system, A’s range only from 92.5% to 97.49%.

 Although the percentages to earn an A is different, there is a new addition to the policy in which students can now earn A+ ‘s. In order to obtain that letter grade, students must have a 97.5% to 100% in a class. 

Many students are satisfied that their grades that have changed from A-’s to A’s, and it is even better that an 89.5% now counts as an A-. 

There have been frustrating occurences in the past where students have had a very close 89% in their class, but were not able to have their grade rounded up to an A-. With the new grading policy, students will no longer face these complications. 

“I think it’s positive because, if you look at area schools, this is more consistent,” said Associate Head of School for Curriculum and Instruction Linda Kern. 

“That’s important because Notre Dame girls would now be getting the same letter grade for the same numerical score. I also think it’s more important because that lower letter grade can make a big difference in the UC admissions process because the UC system doesn’t look at the pluses and minuses,” added Kern. 

“I think it’s a positive thing for students to have an opportunity to get that higher grade, especially when applying for colleges,” said Academic Counselor Allan Gargaritano. “For those students who are in between and almost at that next letter level, it provides them an easier way to get more points towards their GPA.”

The new grading scale has allowed students to have more cushion for their work, which was extremely beneficial for going into that finals week. The new policy has given a sense of relief for students because they do not have to worry about their grades being borderline. 

“Well, when they first came into effect, my grades were all in the middle. So like, my grades didn’t really change,” said junior Mia Soracco. “But now, it’s kind of starting to change my grades. I do like that the A- ‘s end at 89.5%. That’s always nicer.”

Coming home with a report card full of straight A’s is a dream come true for each student and their parents. The new adjustment has helped benefit students by earning higher grades earning many positive reactions amongst the faculty and students.