Titans/Knights win rescheduled Powderpuff game, 36-6


The Catalyst / Robert Rojas

Senior Mariah Diaz makes a run.

Notre Dame’s acclaimed spirit point event, the Powderpuff Football game, was rescheduled for Monday, December 3 due to the Camp Fire, resulting in the Titans/Knights win over the Gators/Spartans, 36-6. Girls from every class looked forward to cheering on their sister class teams in this friendly, but fierce, competition.

Senior Ella Burrin, who played for the sophomore-senior team, said, “This year on Powderpuff has been awesome. I have wanted to do this tradition since I was a freshman, so I am so glad I got to do it before I graduated.”

The freshman-junior team was coached by coach Kate Mahoney, and the sophomore-senior team was lead by English teacher Adam Currier.

The Freshman-Junior squad has a pretty good cohesiveness that will show out on the field, and they’re pumped up and ready to go. Both teams practiced hard to work towards a victory for their classes.

ASB is still hopeful that the game will be as exciting as past years, despite being after Thanksgiving.

Kelly Nolte, ASB President, says, “I’m really excited to see not only the game itself, but also the sisterhood and spirit point competitions.”

ASB Officer Kerrianne Hines, has similar thoughts, saying that “it’s a really good spirit point event, and always brings a ton of spirit.”

Both student leaders are looking forward to the cheering and excitement of the game, with Hines adding that “it’s super fun to cheer on each other’s class and it’s just, like, a friendly game… a chance for us to partake in a high school tradition.”

Robert Rojas
The winning team poses after the game.