NDB to remain in online distance learning through December

The Catalyst / Brooke Horvai

The school entrance remains closed during online distance learning.

NDB announced it will continue its online distance learning program through December 2020

In an email to NDB families earlier today, Head of School Maryann Osmond updated the community on the status of the school’s campus reopening plans. “NDB will remain online for classroom instruction through the end of the semester,” she wrote.

Osmond cited San Mateo County’s recent status change from the Purple to Red Tier and then described the complex process that NDB has to follow in order to reopen its campus.  The county must remain in the Red Tier for 14 consecutive days and then schools must follow a process still in development by the San Mateo County Office of Education and San Mateo County Health. 

The plan to bring students and teachers back to campus safely is expected to take several weeks as classes and other activities continue to take place online.  In order to minimize impact to student learning close to the end of the semester, NDB will implement its Hybrid Model in January 2021.


This is a developing news story.