Opinion: Students and teachers should have the option not to return to campus during the pandemic

A set of students working at school with new COVID-19 protocols.

The Catalyst / Photo via BBC

A set of students working at school with new COVID-19 protocols.

Students and teachers should not be required to return to campus during COVID-19. Many schools across the nation are trying to push returning to campus during the fall semester. It is definitely not the right time to come back to school.

There are many students, teachers, and families that are at higher risk in being affected by the virus more prone to catching COVID-19. Members of the community may have health conditions that are at higher risk for the virus. Every person’s situation is different, and that is why schools should respect students and teachers in giving them an option to return to campus.

“People have weak immune systems, diabetes, asthma, and other health issues that put them more at risk of getting COVID if they return to school,” said senior Kassie Cleland. “It would be the smart decision if everyone just does virtual learning for now.”

Some schools are enforcing hybrid models, and it may be convenient for students to come in for only half of the week, but it is unfair for teachers to come in everyday. Teachers should not be required to return on campus, because they are risking their lives twice as much as the students in returning on campus for the full week.

“I don’t think it’s safe for students to come back just yet,” said NDB Spiritual Life teacher Douglas Requilman. “There’s too much uncertainty. For us to come back safely, I think we would need more direction from the San Mateo County of Health.”

With over seven million cases of COVID-19 in the United States, physically returning to campus is barely in the picture. The hybrid model is not the ideal solution in getting students back to school. Everyone should focus on staying healthy no matter how long distance learning will take. Online school must stay prevalent as the new normal for now as the hybrid model should wait.

Schools should stop rushing to return back, because COVID cases are not going to automatically disappear overnight. Students and teachers should have the option not to return to campus during the pandemic, because it is important to prioritize people’s health over the desire to have human contact again.