Imagine a world where there are no spirit points, just school spirit


The Catalyst / Natalie Beier

Gators and Spartans have sister class fun.

Being the class with the most spirit points comes with great “power” and bragging rights. But, what if spirit points didn’t exist? Would students still consider attending sports games even though certain sports don’t get to partake in spirit points already? Would students still be motivated to participate in spirit point events? Should it remain how it currently is?

I personally think that many students would still attend sports games to support for their friends and classmates, but perhaps those who only attend for spirit points would be absent, leaving the NDB section sparse.

  Spirit points shouldn’t be the only incentive for someone to attend or participate in an event. If someone goes to a spirit point event, they should participate wholeheartedly, instead of only wanting to gain points. This leads to the question of whether students are there to cheer for a competition or to be in one themselves.

Despite spirit points promoting class unity and sister-class bonding, they have been known to tear classes apart. If someone does not participate for spirit points, there have been incidents where students have gotten mad at their classmates.

Spirit points should not be taken too seriously, because at the end of the day they are just numbers. People should be focusing on having fun with their classmates and showing their NDB pride no matter the motivation.

However, despite the disadvantages and negative influences of these points, they promote a fun way for classes to work together to show their school spirit. The best way to show school spirit is at rallies, including Aquacades, the most anticipated rally of the year.

As a freshman last year, I didn’t fully appreciate what Aquacades was until I actually experienced it.  I thought it was just a night of students screaming next to a pool. While this is what it may seem to an outsider, it is so much more than that to the students participating.

Aquacades is the loudest night of the year for NDB girls to show what they are capable of and demonstrate their school spirit. The event takes months to plan, with students gathering songs, deck routines, swim routines, choreography, costumes, backdrops, and more to make one special night possible.

If spirit points did not exist, there wouldn’t be as many conflicts on earning the most spirit points. Students would have a better time getting along with each other at ease without being hung up on the competition. With the points, girls will keep their competitive spirit at rallies, contests, and other events.