Things to do: Spring activities in the Bay Area

Although California has a beautiful environment and weather all year long, springtime is arguably the best season. With temperatures rising and days getting longer, the months of April, May and June are hard to beat. So, in order to experience spring in California to its fullest, here are some of the best springtime activities, specifically in the Bay Area.

Head to the beach:

Taking advantage of the beautiful Northern California beaches in Half Moon Bay and Pacifica is perfect during spring. Although the water may still be too cold for swimming, clear skies make for the perfect opportunity to watch the sunset and take in the amazing ocean views.

Take a hike:

Whether it is on the coast, in the woods or on a local neighborhood trail, hiking and walking in nature is a calming experience, especially in the spring weather. Not only is walking great exercise, but a great way to clear your mind, or listen to music, a book or a podcast.

Picnic outdoors:

Packing a lunch and enjoying it outside with friends or family is a great way to enjoy the warmer months. Going to a park, the beach, or anywhere with beautiful scenery can make a picnic experience very enjoyable. Some of the best picnic food items include fruits, sandwiches and baked goods.

Start a garden:

If you love fresh fruits and vegetables, spring is the perfect time to consider starting your own garden. With just a small part of your backyard, you can grow fresh tomatoes, strawberries, and so much more. The best plants to start with in spring tend to be melons and cucumbers, but you can also consider planting flowers and fruit trees to watch develop throughout the year.

Enjoy outdoor dining:

Although the pandemic is coming to a close, outdoor dining at restaurants does not have to end. As the weather becomes warmer, consider going to your favorite restaurants for lunch or dinner and sit outside to enjoy the spring environment.