Students and teachers begin Thanksgiving week online

NDB thought its Zoom days were over, but during the two days prior to Thanksgiving break, students will take their classes over Zoom.

The staff and administration at NDB know that many people will be traveling the week of Thanksgiving, so instead of having students miss school, they decided it would be best to have Monday and Tuesday classes on Zoom. This gave students and staff the ability to travel without stressing about school and the work they could be missing out on.

The outcome of the few days on Zoom was a positive one, as the school had lots of practice from last year. Many students said that they loved the option to be able to travel, and to have the comfort of home while still schooling. Everyone present was able to log on easily and at the proper times. Because the school week only consisted of Monday and Tuesday, there was almost no trouble submitting assignments or turning in work from the week prior.

“I think it went really well.” Says Senior Gulianna Ceschin, “A lot of my teachers let us go if they didn’t need us for the whole class period, so that was nice. It allowed me to kind of do other things and not spend my whole day sitting on Zoom like last year. I liked all the free time and my classes had a really relaxed setting and everybody seemed happy and excited for break.”

Another NDB student, Sophomore Megan Worry, also had a positive experience about the days on Zoom.

“What did go well was shorter classes. Zoom classes can be draining so having a shortened class period was really nice. I also liked how some teachers said we could have our cameras off until we got into our breakout rooms,” Worry said. “I didn’t like how we had to turn some assignments in by the end of the Zoom class. For a lot of my classes, because we aren’t in person, the teachers had us turn in things by the end of class. This created a level of stress that wasn’t needed. While I was doing assignments in class as instructed, I felt rushed and would prefer to have until the end of the day to turn them in.”

Overall, many students were happy they were able to have more freedom over Thanksgiving break. Everyone is now well accustomed to Zoom, so the week ran smoothly without any major problems. Hopefully everyone was permitted to take advantage of this opportunity, and enjoy the remainder of the week to rest and unwind.