NDB Track: Q&A with Hadley Stevick

The Catalyst / NDB

Senior Hadley Stevick in her track uniform.

The Catalyst interviewed senior Hadley Stevick about her thoughts on her last season on NDB’s track and field team.

The Catalyst (TC): How do you feel about being on track as a senior?
Hadley Stevick (HS): This season has been a great experience, but I miss the teammates that did not feel comfortable coming back to campus for practice.

TC: How has having meets with other schools changed due to the pandemic?
HS: There are far fewer meets this year. There are no invitationals, only WBAL meets. The first meet did not allow any spectators, so the environment was much different from years past. The next few meets have said that they will allow a few spectators that live in the same household as the athletes. Hopefully that will allow parents to watch us run.

TC: What is your favorite part of the season and the time on track?
HS: It has been great to run with my teammates. I’m glad I got to have a somewhat normal season to finish off my time running in high school.