Fall sports host annual senior nights to honor longtime athletes
The Catalyst / Photo Courtesy of Kate Mahoney
Senior varsity water polo players pose for a picture with Coach Mike Marques.
At NDB, the seniors are viewed as leaders, especially when referring to athletics. With a majority of the seniors just completing their fourth season, they are represented as role models for the teams and athletes to come. NDB highly values celebrating the seniors for their accomplishments and participation in the NDB athletic program.
Before the unfortunate loss to Mercy B, the NDB Varsity Volleyball team celebrated their four senior athletes for their athletic involvement and success in the volleyball program at NDB. Teammates, coaches, students, parents and athletic staff attended the Senior Night on the evening of October 11 to support their last few games on their high school volleyball team.
Only having four seniors on the varsity team, the teammates were able to organize a special celebration for the athletes and their families.
Accompanied by their parents, the seniors were announced and introduced to the crowd. The athletes proceeded down a tunnel, formed by their supportive teammates. At the end, they were greeted by their coaches and a hand-made, personalized poster. Several pictures were taken of the athletes and their families. Before stepping off to the side, each senior’s favorite memory from playing on the NDB volleyball team was shared with the crowd.
Similar to volleyball, the water polo seniors were also highlighted in their game on October 12. Their underclassmen teammates set up balloons, posters and streamers around the Serra HS pool deck to celebrate this special game for the upperclassmen.
After the varsity team warmed up, the senior ceremony began with Athletic Director Christina Okubo welcoming the crowd. She first congratulated the four seniors on the opposing Woodside HS team on a great season as they received flowers from NDB players.
The four NDB seniors lined up together in anticipation of their name and number being announced. One by one, the seniors were led down the side of the pool to collect their flowers as Okubo shared each of their favorite memories from the season. The celebration fueled the crowd for the thrilling game ahead.
When the last picture was taken, the girls jumped back in the pool, ready to play their hearts out for their senior night game. All four seniors started in the game and stayed in for a majority of the quarters. It was such a close match, but Woodside pulled ahead, ending the game with an NDB loss, 7-10.

Francesca Arbelaez was a Senior Editor her senior year and 2024 was her third and final year in the journalism program. Beginning her sophomore year, she...

Ashley Strain is a senior at NDB. She has been a member of the Journalism Club since her freshman year and contributed as a Staff Writer for The Catalyst...