Allison Paske, English Department

The Catalyst (TC): What do you think about the announcement to continue online distance learning until December?

Allison Paske (AP): “I guess I’m not surprised, especially seeing how many schools that have started this year in person and are starting to close down again because of this.”


TC: Do you prefer to be online or on-campus?

AP: “For right now, I prefer consistency. I think students and human beings in general thrive on consistency. I think if we had switched mid-semester coming back to a hybrid model, it would have shaken people and thrown off their consistency. I guess I am just looking for consistency for everyone.”


TC: How has online distance learning changed your teaching?

AP: “I am finding myself having to meticulously prepare ahead of time because I have a foreign two year old. I am working harder and more deliberately than what I had than years in the past. I am holding on to this idea of holistic education.”

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