Matthew Gonzalez, sophomore at Aragon High School

Matthew Gonzalez, sophomore at Aragon High School

The Catalyst (TC): What is a typical day of school for you? 

Matthew Gonzalez (MG): On Tuesdays and Thursdays I wake up at 7:30 and go for a run for 30 minutes. Come back at 8 and get ready for school that starts at 9. Class for 1 and a half hours and 15 min breaks. School ends at 3:00. On Wednesdays, the class starts at 9:30 with 30-minute classes and ends at 2:15. On Monday and Friday, it’s a normal schedule except that we get 45 min of flex time where we check into a class and it’s basically a free period. 

TC: How are you doing with school right now: academically, socially, or personally?

MG: Okay, I could academically I’ve done better when I wasn’t online school because I just think I feel like it’s, I don’t know, just for me, I feel like it’s harder to learn online right to retain information. Socially, I haven’t really been able to hang out with my friends, other than doing video games, because my parents don’t want me to go out. Personally, I think I’m ok, I don’t really know that.

TC: Do you wish your school did anything differently with distance learning?

MG: Were they Wednesdays asynchronous something like or you don’t always have to go to class so I was like, I’m looking forward to that. That’s something I would like to. 

TC: What do you miss the most about being at school?

MG: I miss sports, PE is like really dumb now, like I hate how we have to do like Tabatas, those are super annoying. Also, like classes like going to the actual classroom was really actually enjoyed that now, like I wish I had that again. And, Yeah, friends too. 

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