Stuart Raass, sophomore at Serra High School

The Catalyst (TC): What is a typical day of school for you? 

Stuart Raass (SR): On Mondays, I usually have my first two morning classes then my free period right before lunch. After lunch, I have my last afternoon class so I finish school by 2:30. I do a bit of homework and by 3:30 I begin to do some stretching since I leave for practice at 4:30. 

TC: How are you doing with school right now: academically, socially, or personally?

SR: I have all 90s so I’m doing pretty well academically, socially, is a long layoff so talking to my friends, Serra, and stuff. I still meet up with some of them. And personally, I’m just kind of bored.

TC: Do you wish your school did anything differently with distance learning?

SR: I wish they didn’t make us get up at 8:15. I wish it was like how they originally yeah so how Serra originally did it was that they had two classes per day. And you didn’t have class on like take Wednesday. So, two classes. You had two classes every day except Wednesday. Wednesday you only had one class.

TC: What do you miss the most about being at school?

SR: What I miss most about being at school. It’s one, like being with my friends, because I was one of the main places I and my friends would like, you know, get time to hang out and stuff. Besides outside the school. And secondly, definitely sports. Like I definitely miss playing football and how like the football seasons they’ll push back.

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