Casey Peterson, ’23

The Catalyst (TC): What do you think about the announcement to continue online distance learning until December?

Casey Peterson (CP): Not going to lie, I was really bummed out about it, but I understand, meeting to wait. Because of the guidelines. And I get that it’s also when we go back it’s going to take time to get used to that. So, I see why they’re waiting but I would still like to go back sooner.

TC: How are you doing with school right now: academically, socially, or personally?

CP: Academically, I’m doing pretty good. I’m kind of I’m more on top of it than I would be. socially, I feel like I’m like over the summer, so we ended online is kind of hard to like have the same social interaction. But now since we’ve been doing it for so long, I’m starting to fall back into it, which is good.

TC: Do you wish NDB did anything differently with distance learning?

CP: Well, I don’t know, maybe if some of the teachers could just ease off on like, homework. 

TC: What do you miss the most about being at school?

CP: Probably just like being able to see everybody and like the lunches and stuff.

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