
Olivia Pera, ‘21

NDB community reflects on the postponement of Aquacades 2020 during the coronavirus pandemic

The Catalyst interviewed Olivia Pera, junior, about what would have been Aquacades.


TC: Friday would have been Aquacades, but it was canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic.  What do you have to say about that?

OP: I’m a little bit upset. We were working hard on it, and we really tried hard this year. And, I think it would have been really good if we actually did it, but obviously that didn’t happen. So, I’m disappointed that we didn’t get to see the final product, even though we worked pretty hard. 


TC: If we come back to school before the end of the year, do you think Aquacades should be rescheduled or should it be canceled?  

OP: It depends on if they’re gonna give us more time to prepare. A lot of groups and student councils have been working very hard, but there is still a lot more that needs to be done by all of us. So, I would say yes, as long as we get more time. 


TC: If it’s rescheduled during the summer, would you be willing to come celebrate it then?

OP: It depends. Oh, that would be hard. I would be willing to, but it also depends, because not everyone’s gonna want to be there because they’re either going to be on vacation or doing some sort of summer school or something else along those lines. 


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