Spirit week is coming

Teachers and students dressed up for last year’s theme day “meme day.” Photo courtesy of Robert Rojas

Yesterday the NDB community kicked off their annual Spirit Week with the first theme day, Pajamas/Spa Day. During Spirit Week, which takes place during the week leading up to Halloween and the Dingbat Day rally festivities, each day is designated with a specific dress-up theme.

New this year is that students will be allowed full dress up as opposed to partial uniform, and each day students can check in with ASB during lunch to earn spirit points for their class. Each class council also “sponsors” a day by providing a fun lunchtime activity for students in the dining room. Yesterday was the Freshman class’ pick, with the dress up theme of PJ/Spa Day and the lunchtime activity of an obstacle course hosted by the Freshman class council.

Today, the Sophomores sponsored the City versus Country theme, with a friendly sister class competition of Juniors and Freshmen dressing up as “city” and Seniors and Sophomores dressing in a “country” theme. Students had the opportunity to participate in a game of “guess the lyrics” during lunch.

Looking ahead to next week, on Monday students will come to school dressed up as tacky tourists for the Juniors’ day. During lunch, they will have the opportunity to participate in a fun lip-sync battle, put on by the Junior class council.

On Tuesday next week, the seniors will be hosting the theme day “Saturday is for the Boys,” with the dress up theme of frat boys. The lunchtime activity will be sports trivia with soda floats awarded to the winning team.

Of course, many students will be looking ahead to Halloween next Wednesday. While Halloween during the middle of the week has a rep for being less fun due to the inopportune timing, the Dingbat Day rally put on annually by ASB will ensure an exciting mid-week celebration. For those who are not interested in dressing up for Halloween but still want to support their class’ spirit points, Wednesday’s theme will be USA/Camo.

Students should remember to check in with ASB officers everyday during lunch to help their class earn spirit points. All of the classes know that Spirit Week is one of the best opportunities to get ahead with spirit points, and typically the spirit point count at the end of the week sets the tone for the whole year.

For those who are looking for even more ways to contribute to their class, the baking contest, pumpkin carving contest, and costume contest taking place next week earn spirit points regardless of whether or not one wins. ASB sent out an email last week with additional details for those interested in entering.

The 2018 NBD Spirit Week is shaping up to be influential for all the classes in terms of spirit points, and with so many opportunities to earn points, any class can still pull ahead.