Lapke begins to share more about his experience with track and field as it has been a major aspect of his life.
TC: What is your background with track and field?
PL: Track has always been a part of my life. Originally, when I was really little, I would do track and field camps. And then I started doing it as my primary sport in high school, and then I also was a collegiate track field athlete doing the pole vault and decathlon.
TC: What inspired you to become a coach?
PL: Really my inspiration for a coach is twofold. One, just my love of the sport and the opportunities it gives athletes. But also the idea that it was so meaningful for me, I wanted to be able to try to give that same sort of experience to other athletes, since I knew I felt so grateful for my own coaches that I wanted to be able to try to pay that for it too.
Lapke further shares more about what he wants to achieve this track and field season.
TC: What goals do you have for this season?
The primary goal I would have is just to give everybody student-athletes on the team the best possible experience they can have whatever that may mean. It like more specifically for everybody to be able to see improvement throughout the season. And if you want to put like a hard number to it, like the idea, like I mean, ultimately it would be fun to try to win a league title for the school.
TC: What are you looking forward to for this season?
PL: I think the biggest thing that I would be looking forward to is just the growth of the team. Both in terms of growing as becoming a team, and also just their improvement that I know we’ll see throughout the season.
At the Willow Glen Invitational, was when the team made many accomplishments. Overall, 13 season records and 17 personal records were set. To add on, 6 medals were earned and NDB was in the top 4 at the event.
Lapke also shared more about his other role on the NDB campus.
TC: Do you have any other roles on or off campus?
PL: Well, it turns out that I took over for the chemistry teacher and so I’m teaching four classes of chemistry on campus and that’s my primary other role.
TC: Have you enjoyed coaching the NDB track and field team so far?
PL: Yes, I’ve enjoyed it. I’ve enjoyed learning everybody’s personalities and of individuals as well as the team itself. And to and just enjoyed trying to share my love of the sport with athletes themselves.
As the track and field team and Coach Lapke continuously practice, their hard efforts can be seen in track and field meets. The team already broke numerous records from all types of events. The track and field teams will be hard at work with the guidance of Coach Lapke. The growth of the team can be seen as they break records and excel in their events. The team hopes to continue striving as they grow closer as a team and learn more about each other.