Ash Wednesday is a Catholic holy day that marks the beginning of Lent. On March 5, NDB conducted an Ash Wednesday prayer service to recognize the occasion and observe the season with students and staffulty who participate in the religion.
Throughout the prayer service, NDB commemorated Ash Wednesday and Lent, which is the period of 40 days leading up to Easter. Students from all grade levels assisted in the service by saying prayers for the community, and some students volunteered to share their spiritual practices for Lent.
NDB does not serve meat for lunch on Fridays during Lent, which is a common practice during the season. It has also introduced a new practice.
“Something new we are going to try [during Lent] is something called the Examen … every day here at NDB,” shared Director of Mission and Ministry Amy Jobin. “It’s just a couple moments for quiet and for reflection for students, so they can get in touch with themselves and connect with God again.”
People often recognize Lent by either giving something up or by implementing a new practice to help strengthen one’s relationship with God, and many NDB students follow their own traditions during this period.
“For Lent, I am giving up buying snacks from Tiger Cafe because I want to be more mindful of what I put in my body,” explained junior Laila Daheb. “This will help me make space for God and give me more time to focus on my academics.”
NDB implements many traditions for Ash Wednesday and Lent to encourage personal growth.