Mainstream media as a whole has a huge impact on teenagers, specifically regarding skincare. Get ready with me or GRWM videos have dominated social media platforms, placing a large emphasis on popular products themselves.
As these influencers make the video, they use a variety of products all at once. They can be seen using multiple serums or moisturizers while they are talking about their life. Although this may encourage taking care of one’s skin, which has a negative effect. The overemphasis on skincare products can lead teenagers to overuse them, expose their skin to unnecessary ingredients unsuitable for their age, and spend excessively on overpriced, heavily promoted products.
Teenagers may closely follow their favorite influencer’s skincare routine, which consists of multiple skincare products. They could be applying all of it at the same time, which can be unhealthy for the skin. Too much application can cause clogged pores or create a breakout one was trying to get rid of. Ultimately, teens now commonly apply an excessive amount of product.
According to, “Younger skin is more delicate, and some ingredients in skin products can irritate the skin, making it more sensitive to sun damage or redness.” Teens think the lavish amount will help the skin, when in reality over application of the product could be the cause of unhealthy skin.
“I feel like definitely in like 2022 through 2023, I bought way too many products I did not need and that did not work for my skin. I just got them because I thought this beautiful girl was using it, so I wanted them,” shared freshman Emily James-Johnstone.
“I feel like when you do get skin care, you really have to get stuff that works for your skin not just because you see it, because I’ve been using skincare that doesn’t work for my skin and it made me break out.” When considering getting a project an influencer has used, consider what the ingredients are and see if they are necessary.
Rather than buying expensive skincare, simpler products may actually be more effective. They are also cheaper which can be a better option for teens. Products such as La Roche Posay, Cetaphil, and Neutrogena, are good and affordable skincare. I have tried these products before and they have not caused breakouts. The products were also on the cheaper side and can be easily found at a CVS store.