At the start of each new school year, we all aim to eliminate bad habits and adopt new, better ones to improve ourselves. It is an excellent opportunity to set goals and establish healthy routines for the year ahead.
Many students have expressed interest in improving certain parts of their school routines, such as prioritizing organization and minimizing stress. They have come up with certain habits in order to attain these goals.
“For my outs, procrastinating … and caring what other people think. Focusing on myself was a big thing to get through the year …,” said freshman Sammy Scheley. “For my ins, trying new things because it’s the first year and a new school.”
“My ins for the school year are to be productive and work on my time management,” said sophomore Sami Kirkpatrick. “My outs are holding off doing work for the last minute and being disorganized. A sticky note on my computer says my homework and what to do …”
Maintaining healthy routines is a challenge that one must keep working on.
“So far, I’ve been doing my work the day I get it, but [keeping a planner] is a bit difficult because sometimes I forget I have it,” said junior Camilla Qaqundah.
The senior Monarchs have not only their last year of high school in mind, but the college application process to survive.
“My outs are procrastinating work. We have deadlines with college and everything. If you stay on top of it, it’s a bit more manageable,” stated senior Virginia Fitzgerald.
With the majority of the school year ahead, it is important for students to recognize the different ways they can improve themselves to help make their year positive and filled with fun.