About 18.9 million pairs of shoes are sold each year. Adidas and Nike have always been big figures in the sports world with their unique styles and designs. Ranging from shoes to clothes, they have been worn in many international sporting competitions such as the Olympics and the World Cup. However, from my personal experience, I have always found Nike more purchasable, with better designs and superior comfort.Nike started from humble beginnings, having been founded in 1964 by a track athlete and his coach. Its first major appearance in the sports world was at the 1972 Munich Olympics, whereas Adidas’ first major appearance was at the 1936 Berlin Olympics when an American track-and-field icon, Jesse Owens, brought international attention to Adidas. The Adidas brand was founded by the Dassler brothers, Adolf (Adi) and Rudolf, who started in their mother’s laundry room. The name Adidas came from Adolf’s nickname, Adi and the first three letters of his last name.
I have bought Adidas shoes such as the “Adilette Comfort Slides” and the “Grand Court 2.0 Shoes.” The Adilette Comfort Slides are black slippers that have the Adidas logo over the band, and the Grand Court 2.0 are white sneakers with the black Adidas logo on the side. Both shoes are nice to wear, but I have found myself rarely wearing the shoes, especially the “Adilette Comfort Slides.” The shoe is initially comfortable, but it is hard to style and uncomfortable if you wear it for a longer period. Ideally, these shoes are most suitable in the summer, but I have never gotten around to wearing them, and I usually end up wearing my Crocs all summer.
When I do buy Nike shoes, I find myself wearing them for a longer time and repurchasing the same shoe. I have always loved the Nike Air Force 1s since it matches the dress code and it goes along with any outfit I wear because of its simple white color. Nike’s logo is more chic and attractive compared to Adidas’ 3-stripe logo. I also think that compared to Adidas shoes, Nike has a variety of different types of sneakers due to such extravagant designs. Both shoes are popular and loved in their own ways, but due to Nike’s comfort, style, and repurchasing it more often, I would say that Nike is better than Adidas.
Adidas versus Nike: Which one is better?
The Catalyst / Sarah Lee
Emily James Johnstone (freshman) wearing Adidas shoes on the left and Elaine Xie (freshman) wearing Nike shoes on the right.
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Sarah Lee, Staff Writer
Sarah Lee is a freshman at NDB and is the Staff Writer for the Catalyst. She is excited to learn more about Journalism and improve her writing skills.
Sarah participates in Tigerbots and in Symphonic Band. During her free time, she enjoys walking her dog and spending time with her friends and family.