The NDB community kicked off the school year with a series of exciting innovations and renovations across the campus. Some of the new additions include an HVAC system providing heating, ventilation, and air conditioning to all classrooms, a new bell system installed in every class, and a revamped tiger cage with a new storefront offering various items to assist students. These items include formal and used uniforms, polos, as well as birthday crowns, and sashes. One of the most significant changes is the complete remodeling of the soda fountain, which now features new furniture, fresh paint, and additional decorations like couches, chairs, and tables, creating a rejuvenated workspace.
“The Soda Fountain Renovation was a collaborative effort between our parents who raised the funds for the renovation as the Fund a Need during last year’s annual auction, the Dads Club, and interior designer, Audra Greenspan,” said Chief Financial Officer Carolina Whitty.
Last year, NDB celebrated its 100th year of teaching and used the extra resources to make the community a better place for all. Students have noticed these improvements, affirming that Notre Dame is a fantastic place to learn and grow.
These new facilities around campus are to ensure that NDB is slowly but surely increasing the community and improving it as a location for development and education. The NDB community started this year with many new changes, and students are excited to use all the latest facilities throughout the year.