On Thursday, Oct. 3, NDB’s annual Dig Pink volleyball games, one of the most anticipated of the year, will take place in the Moore Pavilion. This year, frosh, JV and varsity athletes will complete against Notre Dame HS, San Jose.
Varsity volleyball captains Gia Rivera and Adrianna Agresti are ready to participate in another one of their favorite games of the season. When asked what they hoped to accomplish going into it, Rivera shared the team’s aspirations to etch their name into the record books.
“Our team goal is to break the record for all NDB Dig Pink and have the highest final score in Dig Pink history,” said Rivera. “Another goal is to win and bond with my teammates more.”
The volleyball teams are prepared to show off their skills at Dig Pink and contribute to a game that commemorates those who have struggled with breast cancer.
Many former volleyball players say that Dig Pink is the most nerve-racking game, but they would never want to miss out on the opportunity since the gym is filled with so much excitement.
As one of the most attended games of the school year, students and parents cannot wait for it to take place once again. Apart from a hyped crowd, some of the spectators join to commemorate those who have experienced breast cancer,
Spirit is also a main part of this game as it is a spirit point event, so fans come dressed in pink, a color designated to spread breast cancer awareness.
The Dig Pink Club is a great way to get involved during this event. They help fundraise money, make posters and decorate the gym, emphasizing the importance of honoring those affected by this widespread disease.
Dig pink: Are we ready?
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About the Contributor

Camilla Qaqundah, Multimedia Editor
Camilla Qaqundah attends NDB and is currently a junior. This is her first year taking Journalism and is a Multimedia editor. Camilla plays volleyball, beach volleyball and is also apart of Link Crew.