Every year on February 14th, people receive roses for Valentine’s Day. It became a tradition to give flowers to your loved ones as a way of expressing affection. Flowers can be one of the most romantic gifts because of their fragrance and their beauty.
When receiving your roses this year, make sure to follow these four steps in order to make the most of your beautiful flowers.
1. Make your own flower food.
Making your own flower food is a simple task and an easy way to keep your flowers alive longer. Sometimes, if you receive your flowers in the mail, they will come with a little packet of premade flower food. However, if not, here’s a recipe from “The Kitchn” for homemade flower food. 1 quart water + 2 tablespoons lemon juice + 1 tablespoon sugar + 1/2 teaspoon bleach is what Faith Durand came up with. Lemon Juice helps lower the PH level of the water, sugar gives the flowers the nutrients that they do not get because they are not in the ground anymore and bleach kills bacteria.
2. Replacing the water
ReplenishingReplacing your flower’s water is crucial for its longer lifespan. This could be as often as every day or every two days. Replacing the water ensures hydrated flowers and also gets rid of old bacteria that has built up. The cleaner the water, the longer the lifespan.
3. Trim your flower stems frequently.
Every two to three days, you should cut your flowers’ stems to refresh. Kind of like bangs on your head, they need a fresh trim every two to three months. “The Plant Gallery” explains that when you cut your stems, cut them at an angle so that they will have a fresh cut to suck up water. Most kitchen scissors have thick, harsh blades that crush the stems as they cut them. So, stay away from those kitchen scissors and find a sharp knife or secateurs to use. Cut about one centimeter off each time.
4. Keep your flowers cool.
Do not place your flowers near a window, especially on a sunny day. Sunlight causes flowers to dry out and wilt faster. Cut flowers prefer a darker and cooler spot to sit in which is unlike their life before they were cut and although flowers like cool spots, do not put them near the AC or heater.
If these four steps or even just one or two of them are followed, your flowers will 100% have a longer- lasting life.