Dating in this day and age has changed a lot since our moms, aunts and grandparents have been in high school. This difference is seen in the way we are asked out on dates, what a typical date consists of, how relationships operate and so on. Specifically, the way girls meet guys in high school has changed significantly and is prevalent today in many couples that exist on the NDB campus. With social media being at the forefront of society, the way romantic relationships are established looks extremely different… even more so at an all-girls school.
Social media is at the forefront of how teenage couples are formed in this day and age. Lots of girls meet their boyfriends on apps downloaded for the purpose of connecting with other people. The excitement when someone incites a conversation on any social media platform and having to curate a response is typical experience for today’s high school students. While it may not be the traditional approach to one, sometimes this online communication can flourish into an unexpected relationship.
Following social media, a common way for people to meet in high school nowadays is through mutual friends This happens at dances, after school events, through extracurriculars, at hangouts and more.
“[Angelo and I] met through one of my friends who knew him before,” said senior Karly Bordin. “We’ve been together for a year and a half and he goes to Serra.”
Relationships can also blossom out of past relationships in different points of high school. This can occur through past friendships and past romantic relationships. This shows how romantic endeavors in high school can blossom out of unexpected things, and gives an idea of how dating looks in today’s day and age.
“I met my boyfriend through my ex a while ago, we were originally just friends but clearly that wasn’t the case,” said junior Sianna Kiebler. “We have been together for 7 months…He is a senior at Sacred Heart Prep.” There’s always the chance of old friendships and relationships developing more in the future too. This often occurs when elementary or middle school friends appear again in the present, and reconnection unexpectedly occurs.
“I technically met my boyfriend in Kindergarten, and I remember him almost throwing up on me,” said senior Katie Homrig. “We reconnected when we both started rowing, became friends and started dating a few months later.”
The difference between dating now and in the past is exemplified in the way people connect and get to know each other. It is more challenging nowadays to form a genuine connection with a person, and the all-girls setting makes this even harder. However, there is always the opportunity to meet someone new on social media or through someone you know, which can morph into an unanticipated high school romance. Especially in modern times, you never know how or when you might feel a spark and encounter an exciting adventure.