2024 is here, and it is time to take advantage of this chance. A new year is a perfect opportunity to make some lasting lifestyle changes. It is a fresh start, a new year, a clean page and it’s filled with potential.
It is easy to make goals. It is easy to write them down, and say “this is what needs to be done.” But it is not easy to say, “This is how it’s going to get done.” It is not easy to actually be consistent and stay on track. However, by staying dedicated to those goals, the results will be much easier to achieve. Commit to a plan and the outcome will be positive.
Before it is time to worry about staying consistent, the first step is to actually set goals. It is important to choose resolutions that will be personally beneficial, but to start off, there are broad ones that can apply to everyone as well. Some of these include spending less time on a phone, eating healthy, hydrating, getting to bed early, exercising daily, staying organized in school and being productive in everyday life. These will all prove to be helpful in the long run. Life is stressful, and these goals keep people feeling refreshed. Getting a good night of sleep will result in feeling well rested and ready to start the day, staying organized will minimize stress from school, eating good food will strengthen and keep the body healthy and so many more positives.
Think back to 2023. Do people set goals and actually do them, or do they just set goals? Once New Year’s resolutions are chosen, the hard part is staying consistent. This can be done by simply staying organized. One of the best strategies to accomplish consistency is by making a schedule. Plan out weeks in advance and add in ways to complete resolutions on a day-to-day basis. This could be making the bed every morning, completing homework at a certain time, planning out healthy meals, finding time to hydrate, or striving to be asleep at a certain time. Another great way to stay consistent is by checking in every month mentally. Look back on the resolutions set throughout 2024 and track any progress made. Even if there is little progress or consistency with those goals, that’s okay – it’s never too late to begin. Use the beginning of every month, week, or even day as an opportunity to start them up again. Make changes if necessary and customize the resolutions to fit personal schedules. Modify them if they aren’t working out.
The longer these New Year’s goals are performed, the easier it will get to stay consistent. It might be difficult in the beginning when there are a lot of changes, but once they become part of a routine, they will feel effortless. A whole new set of good habits will be put into play, and they can continue to be followed forever.