Behind the Scenes of Matilda
The Catalyst / Adeline Ventura
Sophomore Maia Kawaguchi works on the set of Matilda.
The Tri-School is performing the musical “Matilda” for the 2023 spring show on March 24, 25, 26, and 31 along with two shows on the first of April. The shows on the 24, 25, 31, and the second show on the first are scheduled for 7:30 p.m. while the ones on the 26 and the earlier one on the first will be at 2:00.
Tickets are available for purchase on the Tr-School Productions website. They cost about 20 dollars for adults with a five-dollar discount for students and seniors.
Tri-School actors began rehearsals after auditions, which were held in late November and into early December. Stage crew then began in mid-January. The only rehearsals that the stage crew was required to attend were Sundays for five hours. However, on tech weeks, they must be at the theater every school day for five hours.
“The main thing we’ve been working on is building all of the complicated sets. There are usually different groups assigned to different parts of the set or on different projects” said freshman Zoe Hart, a member of the stage crew for “Matilda.”
Although the actors have been rehearsing since the beginning of December, their schedules have been busy with the different kinds of rehearsals.
“Rehearsals are a lot of fun. Usually a lot of work. We have music days where we sing, dance days where we dance, and some days where people do staging like blocking, acting, and we’ve recently been mixing them all together, so it’s been really long days and just a lot of fun.” said actress and NDB sophomore Sianna Kiebler.
Because of the long hours the cast and crew must partake in to ensure that the musical will be a success, members of the Tri-School believe that they will be prepared for opening night.
“It’s coming along really well,” Kiebler said. “We’re definitely ahead of where we were last year at this time, and I think we’ll definitely be ready.”
The hard work that has gone into creating the musical is evident through the works of the actors and stage crew members as they have been rehearsing and building sets since December in order to make “Matilda” a success.

Lauren Zerella is a senior at NDB and is the Managing Editor for The Catalyst. She has been a member of the Journalism Club since her freshman year and...