Prospective students welcomed to on-campus events
The Catalyst / Kathleen Davidson
Ambassador Board member Anna Keim takes a group of seventh grade students down the hall to the Innovation Lab.
As the admissions cycle for the class of 2027 comes to a close, student leadership boards continue to work to welcome the incoming freshmen. They also look ahead to future classes who will soon join the NDB community.
On the evening of Friday, March 3, prospective students gathered on the NDB campus for the Spring Fling hosted by Link Crew. Throughout the night, incoming freshmen had the opportunity to take photos at a photo booth, get a treat from the Mister Softee ice cream truck and share a meal together.
The night began with a scavenger hunt around campus, which gave future freshmen a better sense of the school while competing for prizes. After the hunt, everyone gathered for dinner in the dining hall.
“I felt that the night went well, and it was a very good opportunity for the prospective students to get a feel for our school,” said Link Crew Board member Reese Lancaster. “I thought that the smaller groups made it more comfortable for the students to ask questions and get to know the other students within the groups … I didn’t get this opportunity when I was in eighth grade because of COVID-19 so it was really great to give them that experience.
Those who attended were eighth graders who received their admission decision letters on March 17. The night gave admitted students another chance to spend time on campus and envision the possibility of spending the next four years as a Tiger before making a final decision about which high school to attend.

On Friday, March 10 and March 17, NDB welcomed seventh graders to campus for a preview of a day in the life as an NDB student.
“The goal is to give seventh graders a positive first impression of Notre Dame and a feel for the school environment before they start thinking about high school applications in a few months,” said Ambassador Board member Anna Keim. “I hope that the seventh graders enjoyed exploring the building, participating in classes and seeing what an average day looks like at Notre Dame.”
Each seventh-grade student shadowed two classes with their Shadow Host and attended a student-led panel discussion, where they had the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about what it means to be a student at NDB. This year marked the first year that two Seventh Grade Days were offered due to the large number of interested participants.
“Seventh Grade Day is an event that admissions and the Ambassador Board run every year and is a chance for younger middle school students to get a head start on the high school application process and preview what it’s like to shadow NDB,” said Ambassador Board Shadow Manager Coco Meerkamp. “Last week, we had girls shadow with large friend groups, which I think makes it more fun for them and gives them the chance to envision themselves at NDB in the future alongside people they already know and love.”
These events provide middle school students with a new perspective on NDB and everything the school has to offer, which is crucial in the high school admissions process. Student leaders are encouraged to make connections with potential new peers, building community with classes to come.

Mia Muzzi graduated NDB after four years working for The Catalyst. She spent her freshman year as a Staff Writer, then during her sophomore year worked...