Day 6: Dingbat Day

From Scooby-Doo to superheroes to surgeons, NDB Tigers showed off their amazing costumes in Monday’s Halloween costume contest at lunch. There were six categories that students could enter: Best Duo, Best Group, Best Homemade, Funniest, Best Overall and Most Original. Additionally, there was a category for NDB’s staffulty to apply for. 

The judges for the festive competition included Spanish Teachers Kathryn Blanchard and Gillian Imazumi-Hegarty, Head of School Meredith Essalat, Director of Student Life and Leadership Alisia Bergholm and ASB. One by one, each group, duo or individual walked up and presented their outfit to the judges. Some even put on a performance in order to show their costume in full effect. For the judges, fellow contestants and the large crowd of students sitting in the bleachers, the contest was definitely entertaining to watch. 

The judges most likely had a very hard time choosing the winners for the competition because everyone’s ensembles were impressive and creative. The winning Best Duo was senior Brooke Anderson and her mom, Director of Admissions Debbie Anderson, who dressed up as each other. The winners for Best Group were “The Vectors”, a group of four sophomores who chose to portray the comedic villain from hit movie, “Despicable Me”. The Best Homemade category had two winners, senior Morgan Stein, with her rendition of mint chocolate chip ice cream, and senior Charlotte Sullivan, who’s movable wings left the crowd applauding. The winners for Funniest were junior Francesca Arbelaez and freshman Maggie Blanchard, who went as Ed Sheeran and Post Malone. Best Overall, was awarded to Sienna Patrick and her green forest goddess costume. Finally, the counselors took the win for Best Teacher Costume with their Scooby-Doo themed outfits. 

The number of entries was especially high this year, and students and staffulty alike were excited to see that Halloween spirit was back after two years of COVID-19 Halloweens. This year’s contest suggests that this great Halloween tradition at NDB will continue to thrive in years to come. 

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