The Catalyst / Peyton Daley
Ted Daley, parent
The Catalyst (TC): What was your initial reaction to the masking guidelines?
Ted Daley (TD): I think that they are misguided and a mistake.
TC: Why do you choose to wear a mask or not wear a mask
TD: To protect myself and to protect other people because I don’t want this disease to keep spreading.
TC: What do you think of the people who think differently from you, those that are not wearing masks?
TD: I think that most of them are pretty self centered and just very selfish. I mean, I think that wearing a mask is a very, very minimal thing to ask. When there’s a disease, a pandemic like this, a respiratory disease that’s affecting so many people, I think asking someone to wear a mask is not much for the common good. I don’t understand why so many people have a hard time with that.
TC: Do you think that dropping masks in schools was the best decision for the state to make?
TD: No.
TC: Do you think that there should be an online option for community members that are not comfortable with these masking guidelines?
TD: I think ideally, the best solution is that there’s a mask requirement and that it’s enforced and people just come to school with masks. If they’re not, if the school is unwilling to do that, or doesn’t think it’s the right approach, then I think they should offer an online option.