The Catalyst / Clair Sapilewski

Jennifer Walton

Jennifer Walton, Math teacher


The Catalyst (TC):What was your initial reaction to learning that Notre Dame was lifting our mask mandate?

Jennifer Walton (JW):Well, I was surprised because I thought that they would announce it to the teachers first. I was not surprised [because of] the fact that I knew California said schools, on the 14, would not have a mask mandate, but it’s also up to the individual school to set the policies. So I thought there would be at least a conversation or email before email to the students and everybody, but you know.


TC: And I see you’re wearing your mask today. What is your reasoning behind wearing a mask?

JW: Oh, so then they were supposed to say personal preference. That’s like the verbiage that we’re supposed to use. But I feel like I’m not ready yet to just throw caution to the wind. I don’t know. I feel like it seems that the numbers are low, but I just don’t know. I felt I had no idea because we were on the sophomore retreat the other day, and I had no idea. Then I also thought that if there’s only a couple, I want to kind of show solidarity with them. I think it’s good, I guess because some people really are against it. So maybe they’ll feel better enabled to breathe more. I just feel like I do hope everybody is being nice to one another and respecting personal preferences.


TC: How do you feel about people who decide not to wear their masks?

JW: Well, I mean, I can see it because I don’t like it. You know, obviously you breathe better without a mask. I think that’s probably a good rule to go by in general anyway. Try not to judge without knowing what’s going on. And so I’m fine with it. I just, you know, I think it’s safe. But I’m just not ready to go there yet. I don’t know. I have eaten in restaurants, I have done stuff. I haven’t been to the movies though since the pandemic, so, yeah.


TC: Anything else you want to add?

JW: No, thank you for asking. I feel like it’s important to know what other people are thinking, you know? I mean, because how has it been done with the students? I feel like I wouldn’t prefer it to fade away, it is like opening up and our schools are gonna take the cautious route and wear a mask the rest of the year. Then next year starts fresh, you know, so it’s clean. But that would have been my opinion on it, so, I always feel like they kind of go by whoever, I don’t know, whatever input they’re getting from whatever sources. Yeah, so that might have changed anyways. I just felt like a conversation would have been nice. Even like, maybe they could have had stuff with you guys too. I don’t know, it is controversial. I’m just trying to be thoughtful and yeah, make everybody feel supported.

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