Isabel Hall, ’24
The Catalyst (TC): What do you think about the announcement to continue online distance learning until December?
Isabel Hall (IH): I think that it’s better than starting in January but still sad that we can’t go to school sooner.
TC: How are you doing with school right now: academically, socially, or personally?
IH: Right now I’m not doing the best academically or personally right now but socially I am doing ok because I still get to see my friends.
TC: How has your class tried to build community?
IH: We have a class meeting every Wednesday so we can see everyone.
TC: How do you feel about coming to school on-campus with others who might not be that careful with hand washing, mask wearing, or social distancing?
IH: I would feel a bit uncomfortable especially around a lot of people without a mask and social distancing.
TC: How has working from home affected your home/work life?
IH: Working from home has affected my home/work life negatively.