Mira Hoey, freshman at Lick Wilmerding High School

The Catalyst (TC): What is your school doing for the fall semester: On-campus, hybrid, online, or…?

Mira Hoey (MH): This fall semester my school is doing online learning.

TC: What do you wish your school would do for the fall semester: On-campus, hybrid, online, or…?

MH: I wish my high school was going on campus for this semester because going to a new school with people that I don’t know and I would love to meet new people. But because of the safety precautions, I think it is better we stay at home. 

TC: NDB is continuing online distance learning until December.  What do you think about that?

MH: I wish my friends that are attending NDB get to go on campus so they can experience all NDB has to offer, but I understand the concern as COVID-19 is a serious problem, and safety precautions should be taken into account. 

TC: How are you doing with school right now: academically, socially, or personally?

MH: Academically, is going better than I thought it would. Socially, In doing not so great, I am having a hard time connecting with my peers over zoom. Mentally, I’m doing great, I have lots of free time.  


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