Charlotte Macavoy, freshman at San Mateo High School

The Catalyst (CT): What is your school doing for the fall semester: On-campus, hybrid, online, or…?

Charlotte Macavoy (CM): I am doing online learning this semester.

CT: What do you wish your school would do for the fall semester: On-campus, hybrid, online, or…?

CM: I wish we were able to do on campus but maybe take have us spaced out in the outside area of the school.

CT: NDB is continuing online distance learning until December.  What do you think about that?

CM: I think it is great that NDB is taking safety measures even though it would be more fun if they were to go back to school.

CT: How are you doing with school right now: academically, socially, or personally?

CM: Academically, socially, and personally it’s been so-so, it’s been rough. But I am hoping it gets better.  

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