Jordan Lerner, senior at D-Tech High School

The Catalyst (TC): What do you wish your school would do for the fall semester: On-campus, hybrid, online, or…?

Jordan Lerner (JL): “I wish school was hybrid because it would be nice to go in if I needed extra help or just wanted to switch up my work environment.”


TC: How do you feel about coming to school on-campus with others who might not be that careful with hand washing, mask wearing, or social distancing?

JL: “I think it is okay. I myself am not always the most careful but I am constantly trying to improve and be more attentive to my surroundings. However for others who are more scared of the virus, it could be a problem.”


TC: How are you doing with school right now: academically, socially, or personally?

JL: “I am doing really well with school actually and sometimes it’s a little lonely being at home all day but I have good friends that I see that make me happy again.”

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