Katie Toledo, senior at Saint Ignatius

The Catalyst (TC): What is a typical day in your life like with online distance learning?

Katie Toledo (KT): “Well, I wake up in the morning about 20 minutes early, and I prepare for my class, get my workspace ready and start my day. I have many breaks in between classes, you know, eat my lunch, hop back on in class, and my day is done at 3.”


TC: Have you attended other school events on Zoom besides your classes? 

KT: “Yes today actually, I had a first quarter liturgy and it was very beautiful. We talked about gratitude.” Other than the liturgy, I have only attended classes on Zoom.


TC: Is your school planning to return for the 2020-2021 year? 

KT: We are planning to return through the Hyrbid Model later in the school year. “I am excited to see where it brings me.”


TC: What are your thoughts about your Senior year so far?

KT: “You know, it’s been a pretty slow start. It sucks not having the community like I did on campus, but it’s gonna be amazing when we get back.”

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