Annie Lester, ’24

The Catalyst (TC): What do you think about the announcement to continue online distance learning until December?

Annie Lester (AL): I was really upset to hear that we aren’t going back until then because I was really excited to meet people in person.

TC: How are you doing with school right now: academically, socially, or personally?

AL: I am really enjoying school I have good grades and have met a bunch of new people which has been awesome. 

TC: How has your class tried to build community?

AL: We have had breakout rooms to meet each other and mixers to build up our community I have loved meeting girls through those instead of just normal class too. 

TC: How do you feel about coming to school on-campus with others who might not be that careful with handwashing, mask-wearing, or social distancing?

AL: I personally really want to go back to school and I am not worried about getting sick. I think that all the other girls want to go back too so they will be conscious and respectful of the protocols.

TC: How has working from home affected your home/work life?

AL: Doing school from home has made me be on technology a lot more than I was before and I am home all day. At the end of the day, I try to get out of the house whether it’s walking my dog or going and grabbing a snack outside of the home because then I feel somewhat of my normal schedule.

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