Jonathan Tomczak, History Teacher

The Catalyst (TC): What do you think about the announcement to continue online distance learning until December?

Jonathan Tomczak (JT): “It’s unfortunate, but it’s the right thing to do. You know, nobody loves being on campus more than I do, but you know the same week that that announcement was made, the President of the United States and a lot of people around him contracted COVID.” This is a stark reminder of how serious we have to take this disease.


TC: How has online distance learning impacted your teaching methods?

JT: “It’s required me to be more creative with a lot of things you take for granted being in person.” There are so many activities that I love to do in person that don’t work online, which has required a lot of adapting to this new virtual environment. “It’s been a challenge, but it’s another opportunity for creativity.”


TC: How do you feel about teaching on-campus with others who might not be that careful with hand washing, mask wearing, or social distancing?

JT: “Hopefully we are all going to take it seriously, and we recognize that.” When it comes to taking care of our health, it does not only affect ourselves, but the others around us in our community for campus to remain open. 


TC: How has distance learning affected your home life as well as your work life?

JT: My home life and work life have become the same thing. The hard thing to remember is to get out of the house sometimes. “My office is now this table, which is fine. I feel like I’ve gotten to a point where I can juggle a lot of different things to do very well.”

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