Zoe Spencer, Staff Writer
Sunday, March 8, 2020
On Sunday when I found out that school was canceled, I was relieved, but also it made me realize how serious this is. I had a calculus test that was scheduled for Monday that I was completely prepared for that I wanted to take, but I didn’t get the chance to because of school being canceled.
Monday, March 9, 2020
On Monday, because there was no attendance being taken, I got to sleep in a bit. I did my work in the morning until about 12 p.m., and then stopped and got burritos with one of my friends. I then got to go to the beach with a big group of my friends from NDB and Serra HS and hung out there until about 4:30 p.m. One of my friends was not allowed to come because his parents were afraid of him getting sick from one of the kids at the beach. After this, we went to In-n-Out, and I got to eat animal fries and a milkshake. After this, I came home and took a big nap until I had dinner with my family. After dinner, I got the opportunity to post on Facebook for one of my first choice colleges and was able to start talking to different people from there. I then went to bed around 2 a.m. because I could not fall asleep.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
On Tuesday, I woke up around my normal time at 8 a.m. and started with my econ class. I checked my email, saying that all we had to do today was take a test that was not due until Wednesday night. I mostly just lounged around the house until my AP Computer Science Principles class where I was on a group FaceTime call with four of my other classmates. We all struggled a bit without the help of our teacher and could not figure out the code we were supposed to complete for our class. Fortunately, it was not due until Thursday, so we had plenty of time to complete it. Next, I had a break for lunch and quickly became bored. I ended up exercising and working out a bit just so I didn’t have to lay in bed for a couple of hours. I ended my online school day with my journalism class where I could not figure out how to video chat and ended up being marked absent, but figured it out and was marked present for my class.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
On Wednesday, I started my day off by waking up before my alarm that was set for 8:25 a.m. and was on to my calculus class. I had to complete the notes the teacher gave us and do 45 minutes of homework before the class was over, so I was rushing a little bit. This lesson was a bit harder, so I was only able to complete one and a half problems of the homework. Next, I had a dance class, which I have not received anything before, and after was lunch, so I was able to go take a workout class. I honestly was a little bit nervous to take it and was extra cautious about touching my face and washing my hands. I then was able to eat some lunch. I have not heard anything about my english class and have not received any emails, so I continued to follow the syllabus as usual.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Currently, I am very restless and hate being at home all the time, but am a little scared to leave because I am scared of getting sick. My dad, whose job has to do with the stock market, is very stressed and is working from home currently. I want to be able to go out and have fun with my friends after I am done with school, but I do not want to spread germs. Online school for me is manageable. Just being at home makes me restless and not like it as much.