Ava Dehnad, ‘21

NDB community reflects on the postponement of Aquacades 2020 during the coronavirus pandemic

The Catalyst interviewed Ava Dehnad, junior, about what would have been Aquacades.


TC: Friday would have been Aquacades, but it was canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic.  What do you have to say about that?

AD: I personally have never been super into the whole Aquacades thing. I didn’t go last year, so I feel pretty indifferent about what happens to it.


TC: If we come back to school before the end of the year, do you think Aquacades should be rescheduled or should it be canceled?  If it’s rescheduled during the summer, would you be willing to come celebrate it then?

AD: I know other girls were super excited and looking forward to this event, so rescheduling it could work.


TC: People usually look at pictures or videos of last year’s Aquacades to learn what it’s about.  One year from now, what do you want people to know about Aquacades?

AD: I want people to remember Aquacades as a time of friendship and community. This is a Notre Dame exclusive tradition, which makes it so special. I am also so sad that the freshman won’t be able to experience their first Aquacades until next year.


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