The Catalyst / Photo courtesy of @NDBTigers


Lacrosse is proving to be very popular as students from every grade level were seen at this season’s tryouts. This year, there is a varsity team of 22 players and junior varsity team of 20 players.

Head Varsity Lacrosse Coach Phil Huth says, “I am excited about the season because I think it is a turning point in the program.  When we started three years ago, only four girls had ever played lacrosse before.  We started a JV team, as well.  I love the game because it is a great mix of the things that make other sports fun to watch.  It truly is the fastest sport on two feet!”

Kaitlyn Greig, a freshman varsity player explains what made her choose lacrosse.

She said, “I wanted to play because I have been playing for a long time and love the sport. Also, I’m terrible at any other sport. I enjoy playing with other girls and learning new things about lacrosse every time I play on a new team.“

Many of the girls are in the same place as Greig and wanted to try something out of the ordinary.

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