The Catalyst / Ashley Strain

A Shark, Dragon, Wildcat and Monarch pose for a picture while dressed in their class colors.

Day 3: Class Color Day

For the third day of Spirit Week, NDB Tigers showed up in full spirit gear on Wednesday, October 26 to represent their class colors. The Tri-School community held a C-Day schedule, so the school day only lasted until 11:30 in the morning. Students attended hourlong, schoolwide assemblies and listened to four guest speakers throughout the day. Although the day was short, Tigers still packed in a ton of school spirit through their color-themed outfits.

The freshman Sharks went all out in their blue apparel for their first Spirit Week as NDB Tigers. The sophomore Monarchs were decked out in purple and red from head to toe, also representing their sister class, the senior Wildcats. The junior Dragons were adorned in all things green to show off their class pride.

“I love Spirit Week and dressing up to show my class spirit, it’s something I look forward to,” sophomore Adrianna Cirina shared. 

Participation in NDB’s Halloween Spirit Week has grown over the past few years, especially following the pandemic. The newer classes are growing more comfortable with expressing their school spirit and dressing up outside of their comfort zones, as they set the example for each class after them. The senior class, the Wildcats, has had the most experience with Spirit Week, so they took on the theme completely and filled the halls with red. 

“I’ve seen a lot of improvement since last year in participation for spirit week and I think that’s due to COVID and people getting comfortable with this idea again,” Cirina commented. “However, it seems the Senior Class went all out and showed the most spirit today. They’ve been at Notre Dame the longest and know what it truly means to be a Tiger and how to showcase their class spirit.”

NDB students filled the Moore Pavillion with great enthusiasm and class spirit as they were decked out in blue, purple, green and red.


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