The key to success during the spring semester


The Catalyst / Emma Boyd

School supplies such as planners, notebooks and devices are essential for success during the spring semester.

With the new semester, students are frantically searching for ways to improve their learning skills in order to finish off the 2021-2022 school year strong. Here are a few tips and tricks on how to keep up with high school studies.

First and foremost, have the right materials. It’s important to have the items that you will need in your backpack at all times. For starters, a binder or two, a planner, a pencil pouch and a notebook are a few essentials. With these materials, you can pick up the habit of taking notes during class, writing the homework and due dates down and having a place to store all of your work. Remember that not every material is the same. There are different kinds of notebooks, pencil pouches, planners and binders, so be sure to pick the ones that best work for you.

Many classes will have a presentation that will probably require you to take notes. While note-taking is sometimes difficult, it is often essential. Picking up this habit and sticking with it will add an extra study tool when you attend college. People take notes in many different ways and use different tools, so finding the process that works best for you is an important first step. If you are someone who takes fast-paced notes, consider taking notes on a Google Document. If you are someone who retains information better if it is written down, consider using a notebook or an iPad. By ensuring that you are taking the notes that best fit you, you will not only remember information better, but you will start to ace all of your assignments.

Planners are crucial. Having due dates and assignments written down will help you remember what you need to do. It will also help to create a list of due dates in order, starting with the closest due date and ending with the farthest away. Remembering when assignments are due and making a list or using a planner will help you stay on top of your work. With a planner, you can also plan out study breaks, extracurricular times and other activities that may happen outside of school. Maintaining a healthy schedule is important to make sure that you do not overexert yourself or slack off.

The most important yet overlooked habit is getting enough rest and drinking plenty of water. Drinking at least one water bottle a day can help improve overall health and keep you focused. See how many ounces you can drink within a day and record it. Over time, it will become a habit. Make sure that the water intake is spread evenly throughout the day.

When resting, make sure there are no distractions around you and find a place that is cool, quiet and dark.

Picking up habits is the best way to implement new skills into your life. The number one tip: don’t give up! If you don’t see results right away, that is okay, you will begin to see the positive results over time.