Academic competition can have more harm than good and overshadow the joys of learning
As the school year intensifies and classes get harsher, many students deal with the negative impacts of academic competition. They can feel unnecessary pressure when striving for perfect scores on tests or essays, leading to the unattainable goal of perfection.
The pressure to excel academically can lead to stress and diminish the joys of learning. It is not uncommon for students across different grades to have to manage this struggle. Competition can be seen in various ways, whether it involves competing to win an award, trying to receive a specific leadership position, or excelling academically.
Sophomore Sophie Hu explained, “Yeah, I feel like I experience it almost every day. Like, when we get a test back, I feel like my first thought is just to like compare myself to other people. If I don’t get a better grade or like around the same grade as them, then I feel like, just not worthy…or smart enough”.
Comparing oneself to others can be very prominent throughout schools, and if it becomes too intense, it is important to recognize that and find ways not to let certain things get to one’s head.
Junior Saree Formanek stated, “For sure, I think, the idea of comparing yourself to others can be really detrimental to one’s mental health…”
There are always ways to cope with this struggle, and reaching out to a counselor or a trusted adult can help teens gain the support and assistance they may need to handle their stress.
Counselor Christina Christenson said, “I think putting things back into perspective. Obviously, it’s good to have goals and motivate yourself and have… reasons to work towards something, but it’s also possible where things can like get too competitive where it affects your mental health, and so I think talking with a counselor about, like, how do you balance those things would be helpful”.
While academic competition can push students to succeed and be their best, it also comes with added pressure, and the fear of failure can be prevalent. It is important never to become too attached and focused on school, as this can affect a person’s mental health. To help reduce stress, schools can also try and create a healthier environment for their students. Having a balance is essential, and knowing that a person is not defined by their successes or grades is a necessary mindset.